
Dr. Ashish Shah

Repair Your Faulty Restorations !

DSD [Digital Smile Designing] is the latest protocols by which a Smile is designed by the Dentist. A young girl was highly conscious of her broken Teeth. The teeth also had gaps and were twisted. She underwent treatment based on DSD and the results are truly Life-Changing. A comprehensive Dental Examination is done. This includes: 1]Detailed CHARTING of her teeth and gum conditions 2]Intra Oral and Extra Oral Landmarks like Smile Line, the position of the frenum and other hard and soft tissues. 3]Intra Oral and Extra Oral Scanning with highly advanced 3Shape Scanner 4]Intra and Extra Oral Photographs and Video 5]Centric Relation and Face Bow Records The case is carefully designed on study models and a MOCKUP is tried in her mouth with provisional material like ProTemp. In simple words the technology allows us to try a blueprint of the prosthesis before actually doing in your mouth! She had a lot of infection in her teeth and was treated with Laser Assisted Root Canal Treatment. Her broken teeth were built up and positions and rotations of her teeth were corrected with state of the art Ceramic Self Ligating Braces. She then underwent the final phase of DSD with Ceramic Veneers.    

Dr. Ashish Shah

Treatment of Chipped Teeth

A lady visits us with multiple Chipped Teeth. We undertake a comprehensive Dental Examination. This  includes 1]Detailed CHARTING of her teeth and gum conditions 2]Intra Oral and Extra Oral Landmarks like Smile Line, the position of the frenum and other hard and soft tissues. 3]Intra Oral and Extra Oral Scanning with highly advanced 3Shape Scanner 4]Intra and Extra Oral Photographs and Video 5]Centric Relation and Face Bow Records The case is carefully designed on study models and a MOCKUP is tried in her mouth with provisional material like ProTemp. In simple words the technology allows us to try a blueprint of the prosthesis before actually doing in your mouth! She is extremely warm and courteous. She understands and agrees for the treatment with full faith. She is extremely cooperative in spite of her high commitments. The chipped teeth have resulted in decreased Vertical Dimension. This makes the chewing difficult, irritation in the TMJ, Sensitivity and roundness of face which makes one look older! Careful Diagnosis, Perfect Planning, Latest Technology like Intra Oral Scanner and CAD-CAM Prosthesis altogether help us in achieving a fantastic result.  

Dr. Ashish Shah

Correcting old Veneers with Digital Planning !

A young girl reported with gaps in between her teeth. She was a shy girl and highly conscious to smile. She was treated on the Principles of Digital Smile Designing. Ceramic Veneers were done on her front  6 teeth. The entire procedure was completed in 2 visits The result was fantastic. Not only her looks changed but also her personality. Treatment planning included taking into consideration 1]Her Personality 2]Facial Profile 3]Intra Oral and Extra Oral Photographs were taken to evaluate her Lip Line, Smile Line, Teeth Position, Bite Etc. 4]Recording her Centric Relation 5]Face Bow Transfer was done to record the TMJ hinge Axis 6]3D Scanning was done using State Of The ART 3Shape Scanner A Digital Plan was devised and a mock-up was tried in her mouth. She was shown her proposed look before starting the treatment The treatment went as envisaged. From a shy introvert personality, she is now a Confident girl with a Radiating Smile.

Ceramic Veneers

Ceramic Veneers for Worn Out Dentition !

An elegant lady visits us with pain in one of her teeth. She is treated with Laser-Assisted Root Canal Treatment in one of her molars. On  examination, it was found  she had 1Irregular teeth 2]Decay around existing old fillings 3]Bulky and Ill-fitting caps 4]Decayed Teeth requiring Root Canal Treatment A diagnostic Scan was made with the state of the art 3Shape Intraoral Scanner Models were  3D printed from the scan. A virtual Smile Designing was done using Digital Smile Designing Principles. A computer-simulated picture was created using the state of the art smile designing software. She is an evolved lady who decides to improve whatever was faulty due to her previous Dental Treatment. She understands and willingly cooperates to all our suggestions. She is treated with multiple ceramic veneers and helps us create what is called a Hollywood Smile.